Track visitors and increase engagement
Find where your visitors are from
Locate your visitors and find from which region they come from majorly. This is highly helpful when you want to conduct marketing events, region based campaigns, advertisements and more. Build engagement strategies based on their native language and region’s style!
Maximize conversions by tracking visitor’s footprints
Locate your visitors and find from which region they come from majorly. This is highly helpful when you want to conduct marketing events, region based campaigns, advertisements and more. Build engagement strategies based on their native language and region’s style!
Differentiate between new and a returning visitor
Acknowledge a returning visitor by using the previous visitor data and use some of the data (Name, chat history, web path) to further engage. With personalized conversations, the rate of driving more sales becomes easier.
Personalized live chats? Why not?
Let your visitors choose who they want to chat with. Personalize your sales helpline by listing out your sales reps along with their bio, helping visitors to choose their favourites, or whom will be the best fit to discuss.
Real time chat translation
Translate automatically the to and from chats from visitors of different languages. No external tools required. Use the automatic translation built in to grow conversations with visitors in their native language.
Two way screen sharing
Remote guide your users with seamless screen sharing sessions. No installs required. Both parties can initiate screen sharing as they chat using Zoho Sales IQ with a single click.
Combine live chat with e-mail campaigns
Try Zoho Sales IQ’s Signature chat to connect your visitors to your sales team right away. Send emails to your visitors, and they can strike conversations from inside the emails as a conversation.